Note: the bindings for Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 are switched. 1897-1902 are in the Vol. 2 cover and 1904-1906 are in the Vol. 1 cover. The 1892 marking was a mistake, as the first meeting of the organization was not until 1897.
Jump to proceedings:
1897 1912
1898 1913
1900 1914
1902 1915
1903 1917
1904 1918
1905 1919
1906 1922
1907 Feb., 1923
1908 Oct., 1923
1909 1924
1910 1925
1911 1926
Accession #: AR2017:1:1
Title: Proceedings of the Interstate National Guard Association of the United States, Vol. 2, 1904-1906
Date (inclusive): 1897-1903 (Incluvise)
Extent: 1 Volume (30 cm; 397 pages)
Scope and Content:
(1897): Appointment of a committee to write the constitution of the organization. Discussion on the necessary of such an organization for interaction with the Federal Government in order to properly supply and train the National Guard with remarks by various representatives of the states in attendance, calling for a unified effort and addressing concerns as to the goals of the Association. Drafting of Constitution and Bylaws for the Association and debates as to suggested amendments to those documents. Final copy of the Constitution of the Inter-State National Guard Association. Misc. Discussion of vote distribution, due payments, officer election process. By-Laws of the INGAUS.
St. Louis, Mo
(1898): Report from the Executive committee on increasing appropriations. Committee formed to review Connell bill for the reorganization of the National Guard. Report from Connell bill committee. Formation of committee to prepare resolutions for presentation to members of Congress by the Adjutant Generals of each state. Selection of officers for the next year.
Chicago, Il
(1900): Discussion of and the appointment of a committee to draft suitable resolutions to Congress in order to secure appropriations. News of a second National Guard Association meeting in Florida in 1899 was made known to the convention, as well as the efforts of the officers of both organizations to merge the two groups together in order to demonstrate a united front in pursuing the interests of the National Guard. Appointment of a committee to review all proposed bills and make a report to the convention. These bills include increasing annual appropriations to the militia from $400,000 to $2,000,000. Debate as to the necessity of providing a plan of action along with the request for appropriations.
Indianapolis, IN
(1902): Appointment of a committee to review and consolidate all proposed bills and make a report to the convention. Introduction and speech by Col Sanger, Assistant Secretary of War. Report by legislation committee, reading of proposed bill, and relevant discussion. The following matters are addressed in the proposed bill to be sent before congress.
Section 1: The organization, training and armament of state and territory militia organizations be the same as the regular army.
Section 2: In the event of invasion or rebellion the POTUS may call forth the state and territory militia for a maximum period of nine months.
Section 3: The cost of updating equipment will not be charged against the appropriations set aside for the National Guard by the federal government.
Section 4: When the militia of a state or territory meet the inspection standards outlined in section one, The Secretary of War is authorized to pay that state or territory, at the request of the governor, the necessary funding for that unit to operate in the field.
Section 5: In the event of militia participation in regular army exercises, the members of that militia are provided the same pay, subsistence, and transportation as the regular army by the Secretary of War. Section 6: In the event that a militia officer pursues a course at a military school or college of the United States Army, he will receive the same entitlements as an officer of the regular army.
Section 7: To ensure the proper training of the militia officers, the Secretary of War shall authorize a list of eligible officer candidates and the periodic examination of said candidates by qualified officers of the regular army.
Section 8: A force of 100,000 veterans of the regular army and militias shall be enrolled on a volunteer basis for the period of 5 years into an additional force under the Secretary of War.
Section 9: All volunteer forces called by Congress shall be organized in the manner laid out in the act entitled “An act to provide for temporarily increasing the military establishment of the United States in time of war, and for other purposes,” approved April 22, 1898.
Discussion and various amendments proposed in regards to the drafted bill. Authorization for the publication of the convention preceding by the “National Guardsman” of Minnesota. Election of officers. Discussion as to amendments to the by-laws and constitution of the association.
Washington D.C.
(1903): Resolution offered before the convention: Because of the necessity to train, equip, and maintain a well-organized and uniform militia, the association recommends amending the militia laws to provide the equipment and maintenance of the National Guard. Speech by Secretary of War Elihu Root on the evolution of the National Guard, its role in the current military structure, and the importance bill proposed by the convention to the National Guard being able to effectively carry out its mission. Performances of patriotic songs including “The Star Spangled Banner” by the Republican Glee Club and the Fourth Regiment Band. Announcement of a national shooting contest between the state militias, the army, the navy, and the marine corps in order to encourage civilian rifle practice. Various speeches on the importance of funding and involvement with the National Rifle Association to facilitate the proper training and equipment of civilians. Presentation on necessity to standardize firearms, ammunition, and training, including offered solutions. Changes to Article IV of the Association’s constitution and an amendment to the By-laws were proposed and discussed. Bills submitted to Congress: the prohibition of persons not in the military from wearing military uniforms, protection of the flag from advertising purposes, to allow officers of the militias the use of penalty envelops for official business.
Chicago, Il
Accession #: AR2017:1:2
Title: Proceedings of the Interstate National Guard Association of the United States, Vol. 1, 1892-1903
Date (inclusive): 1904-1906(Incluvise)
Extent: 1 Volume (30 cm; 354 pages)
Scope and Content:
(1904): Report and advisement on the training of National Guardsmen by the representative of the War Department. Discussion on the subject of state dues to the Association. Capt. Walker of the U.S. Navy presenting on the topic of the National Guard to the coastal defense artillery. Presentation by Capt. Lissak of the ordnance department on ammunition. Report by the Committee on Resolutions. The following resolutions drafted to present before congress:
1: Establishment of proper training facilities.
2: The increase of appropriations from $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 annually.
3: Use of penalty envelopes by militia officers for official mail.
4: Authorize state militia authorities to charge uniform and supply needs to the state quotas of federal appropriations.
5: Authorize the secretary of war to aid in the development of militia cavalry and field artillery units.
6: The prohibition of wearing military uniforms by people who are not members of a military service.
Requests for favorable action taken by congress on the following measures already before congress:
1: S. 3626 by Mr. Proctor
2: H.R. 5496 by Mr. Maynard
3: H.R. 10014 by Mr. Wiley
Recommendations that the following resolutions be laid over until the next convention:
1: That each state be allowed to erect regimental rifle ranges
2: That enlisted volunteer cavalry be allowed extra pay to cover the cost of renting horses while on active duty
Recommendations that the following resolutions be postponed indefinitely
1: That the uniform worn by the United States Army be adopted by the National Guard
2: That all apportionments to the militia be in proportion to the size of each state compared to the whole
3: That congress establish a maximum number of militia each state is allowed to organize
4: That the government pay each militiaman 1 dollar per day and charge him 2 dollars for each absence in reference to the 24 required drills per year.
Subsequent discussion on committee recommendations
St. Augustine, FL
(1905): Presentation by Major Kniskern of the Subsistence department on the function of food and recent scientific discoveries on the most suitable diet for a soldier. Presentation by Commander N.R. Usher of the United States Navy on the Naval Militia. Presentation by Major W.G. Borden of the United States Medical Department on the National Guard’s involvement with the Army Medical School in Washington. Presentation by Capt. L.M. Fuller of the United States Ordnance Department on innovations including ammunition, rifle models, entrenching tools, and field artillery. Presentation by Capt. C. McK. Saltzman of the United States Signal Corps on the Signal Corps in the Field. Proposition and discussion of a bill to be proposed to Congress to amend and re-enact Section 1661 of the Revised Statues.
St. Paul, MN
(1906): Recommendation by the Executive Committee that the following committees be made permanent parts of the INGAUS: Committee on Encampments, Maneuvers and Practice Matches, Committee on Drill Regulations, Tactics and Instruction, Committee on Armories and Camp Grounds, Committee on Clothing, Armament and Equipment, Committee on Military Surgery, Military Medicine and Sanitation, Committee on Subsistence and Transportation, Committee of Small Arms Practice, Committee on Federal Relations, Committee of Engineer and Signal Corps, Committee on Federal and State Legislation, Committee on Military Schools and Colleges, Committee on Naval Militia and Sea Coast Defenses. Speech by the Secretary of War William H. Taft. Address to the convention by General Charles Dick. Address to the convention by President T. Roosevelt in the East Room of the White House. Report by the committee on resolutions submitted by Col. D. Moriarty of Illinois, LtCol B.C. Tilghman of Pennsylvania, Major W.B. Moore of South Carolina. Reading and discussion of House Bills 7136 and 8131. Governor Glenn of North Carolina addresses the convention. Reading of paper by Major G.C. Lambert of the Minnesota Guard on Field Artillery in the Militia.
Washington, D.C.
Accession #: AR2017:1:3
Title: Proceedings of the Interstate National Guard Association of the United States, 1905-1912
Date (inclusive): 1905-1912
Extent: 1 Volume (22 cm; 929 pages)
Scope and Content:
Some content duplicated in accompanying volume entitled, “Proceedings of the Interstate National Guard Association of the United States, Vol. 1, 1892-1903.”
(1907): Executive committee announces passage of the appropriations bill drafted by the convention in 1905. Presentation by Major L.M. Fuller of the United States Ordinance Department on new materials. Presentation by Major Charles McK. Saltzman on “The Signal Corps in Campaign.” Presentation by Capt. G.P. Howell on “Duties of Volunteer Engineers in War.” Presentation by Colonel Carroll D. Evans on “Individual Sanitation and Hygiene.” Presentation by Col. Ezra B. Fuller on the relation between the National Guard and the Regular Army. Presentation by Col. H.O.S. Heistand on “The Adjutant General’s Department, as a Factor on Military Training and Its Value to the Nation.” Report on resolutions proposed by Gen Moulton of IL regarding the National Naval Militia Association, resolution proposed by Col Brett of D.C. on a revolver qualification course, resolution proposed by Gen Hughes of KS in reference to the National Guard Magazine, resolution proposed by the Committee on Resolutions on the endorsement of a magazine “Arms and the Man” published by Gen James A. Drain of New York. Report by unknown on the necessity of proper drill and training with firearms by the state guards. Presentation by Col Harvard on camp sanitation. Report by the Committee on Legislation on the following resolutions to be proposed for congressional legislation:
1: Use of penalty envelops by officers of the militia
2: The issuing of ammunition to the state militia
3: Prohibition on the wearing of the uniform by unauthorized persons
The committee also proposed that the Association take the following stances and encourage their legislative representatives to do the same:
1: The promotion of the efficiency of the unorganized militia and the encouragement of rifle practice
2: The appointment of an advisory board of guard officers to work with the general staff on matters concerning the militia
3: That the Secretary of War be authorized to make provisions for the supply of militia troops during times of war
4: The opposition to Bills H.R. 25712 and S 8514
Demonstration of the Sub-Target Rifle Machine by Capt. H.C. Wilson of New York. Presentation by Capt. Stanley D. Embick on “The Relation of the Organized Militia to Coast Defense.” Presentation by Maj. W.H. Hart on “Subsistence of the Organized Militia.”
Columbus, South Carolina
(1908): Report by Gen James A. Drain, chairman of the Executive Committee, on the progress of the National Guard Association’s agenda. Debate on a series of resolutions concerning armament of the National Guard, use of civilian physicians at recruitment stations, the establishment of state pistol ranges, increase in pay for regular land and sea forces, military schools investigating the possibility of establishing correspondence courses, National Guard involvement with the National Rifle Association, National Guard Association endorsement of the “National Guard Magazine,” endorsement of “Arms and the Man.” Debate and discussion of a bill to further amend the militia act approved January 21, 1903, also known as the Dick Act. Reports by various states as to the conditions and usage of National Guard training facilities and armories. Reading of a telegram from Senator Dick. Report by Major Harvey of D.C. for the Committee on Encampments, Maneuvers, and Practice Marches and general recommendations relative to that subject matter. Report by General Wagner of the Committee on Small Arms Practice and general recommendations by the Committee.
Boston, Mass.
(1909): Presentation by Colonel Weaver of Division Militia Affairs on various topics including the Operations of the Division of Militia Affairs, the Relation of the War Dept. to the Organized Militia, Requisitions, Care and Use of United States Property, the Acquisition of Funds by States Disbursing Officers, the Relation of the War Dept. to the Instruction of Commissioned and Enlisted Personnel, Maneuvers, and the Relation of the Organized Militia to the General Military policy. Proposed resolution to reform the procedure for collecting dues. Presentation by Captain Fredrik L. Knudson of the 8th U.S. Infantry on Applied Minor Tactics. Presentation on and Demonstration of Military Communication techniques and instruments used in the field by 1st Lt. Paul W. Beck of the Signal Corps. Presentation by Captain Frederick W. Stopford on the advancements made on the preparation and storage of army rations. Presentation by Captain James L. Bevans of the Medical Corps on Military Hygiene and Sanitation. Report by the Committee of Legislation on the following resolutions: Compensation by the federal government for the maintenance of the national guard organizations, that the National Guard Association assists the National Naval Militia Association in its similar endeavors, an increase in the number of officers by the War Dept, a machine fun company or platoon be authorized as its own unit instead of merely a detail. An act is proposed to form a Bureau of Militia Affairs within the War Dept in order to better handle the affairs of the militia. Debate and discussion on the use and organization of maneuvers by the militia. Address to the convention by General Adna R. Chaffee. Presentation by Lt. Col. Robert R. Stevens, Deputy Quartermaster General, on The Work of the Quartermaster.
Los Angeles, California
(1910): The following papers will be presented to the Convention: Colonel Erasmus M. Weaver of the Coast Artillery Corps on the Relation of the War Pet with the Organized Militia, Colonel Montgomery M. Macomb of the 6th Field Artillery on Field Artillery Training of the Organized Militia, Lt. Col. John T. Thompson of the Ordnance Dept on Ordnance Material, Major George W. McIver of the 20th Infantry on Field Firing, Major Edgar Russell of the Signal Corps on Military Communications, Major David S. Stanley of the Quartermaster’s Dept on the Work of the Quartermaster, Major John F. Morrison of the General Staff Corps on applied minor tactics and the Preparation and Issuing of Orders, Major Edward L. Munson of the Medical Corps on Army Sanitation and Military Hygiene, Captain Monroe C. Keith of the 23rd Infantry on Instrumental Work at this Year’s Camps, Captain Lucius R. Holbrook of the Subsistence Dept on The Army Ration, and Captain Romulus W. Walton on National Guard Instruction. Report by the Chariman of the Executive Committee, including several proposed bills put before Congress and a confidential memo for the Chief of Staff on the Subject of Federal Pay. Address of the Convention by General Leonard Wood. Introduction of and debate over a bill in regard to the payment and compensation of militia members.
St. Louis, Missouri
(1911): Subjects for presentation and general discussion by the Convention: Interest of the National Guard in the Regular Army, and Legislation Affecting Both – General R.K. Evans, Chief Division Militia Affairs. Sanitation – Capt. H.B. Thomason, United States Medical Corps. Benefits of the Maneuver Division to National Guard Officers – Major James M. Hutchinson, 71st Infantry. Opportunity for Artillery in National Guard Service – Major George C. Lambert, 1st F.A.; Capt. J.F. O’Ryan, F.A.; Major William J. Snow, 3rd F.A. Coastal Artillery – Capt. Edward Carpenter, Coastal Artillery. Officers and Non-commissioned Officers’ Training Schools of Instruction – General Charles S. Boardman, Capt. Monroe C. Keith. Report by the Executive Committee on drafting bills with regards to Federal pay for the National Guard, Uniform policies, Armory construction, Rifle Practice, ect. A proposed bill to Promote the Efficiency of the Field Artillery of the Organized Militia.
Buffalo, New York
(1912): Subjects for presentation and general discussion by the Convention: Federal Pay-Bill – Maj. Gen. Edward C. Young. The National Guard in Relation to the Regular Army – The Hon. Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of War. The Army and the National Guard, First Line of Defense – Major General Leonard Wood, Chief of Staff. The United States Army and Its Relation to the Organized Malitia – Brig. Gen. Albert L. Mills, Chief of Division of Militia Affairs. The Proposed Plans for the Organization of the Land Forces of the United States – Captain George V.H. Moseley. Target Practice – LtCol. Charles D. Gaither, Capt. James Ronayne. Cavalry in the National Guard – Col. Milton J. Foreman. What May the General Government Reasonably Expect of the Organized Militia After the Militia Pay-Bill Becomes a Law? – Major Waldo E. Ayer.
Norfolk, Virginia
Accession #: AR2017:1:4
Title: Proceedings of the National Guard Association of the United States, 1913-1919, Volume 4
Date (inclusive): 1913-1919
Extent: 1 Volume (22 cm; 555 pages)
Scope and Content:
(1913): The Citizen Soldier – Hon. Henry Breckinridge, Assistant Secretary of War. Speech by General Leonard Wood. Progress of the Organized Militia from a Federal Viewpoint – General Albert L. Mills, Chief of the Division of Militia Affairs. Discussion of the Pay-Bill led by Gen. Edward C. Young, Chairman of the Executive Committee. Meeting of sub-conventions: Infantry Arm – Col. H.G. Catrow, Cavalry Arm – Col. Milton J. Foreman, Field Artillery Arm – Col. Geo. C. Lambert, Coast Artillery – Col. W.I. Taylor. New Course in Rifle Practice Applied to Conditions in the National Guard – LtCol. Smith W. Brookhart. Equipment, Clothing and Supplies for the Organized Malitia – Distribution and Care – Capt. Charles R. Morgan. Special Order of Business: Revision of Militia Laws and other Legislation.
Chicago, Illinois
(1914): This particular convention is primarily focused on legislation regarding the following topics: The Pay Bill, National Militia Board, Organization of the Militia, and Auxiliary Arms of the Service. Gen. Edward Young, Chairman of the Executive Committee, reports on the interactions between the committee and the War Dept. on these subjects for the past year, citing various drafts and points of discussion between the two parties. The points to be addressed in the Pay Bill include improved efficiency of the National Militia Board, provisions for Leave of Absence for Federal Employees, and proposed amendments to the Volunteer Bill. Reading of Bill No. 6217 in its entirety. The second focus of the convention is the report by the Committee on the Uniformity of Code, made by Col. Turney. The committee had, since the previous convention, been working on a comprehensive code of military conduct for the National Guard and figuring out its place in the hierarchy of legal codes within the United States. The draft of this code is passed by the will of the convention to the Legislative Committee for the discussion of implementation. Other legislation proposed is on the Maintenance and Instruction of the Field Artillery of the Organized Militia.
Boston, Mass
(1915): A Military Policy for the United States – Hon. Henry Breckinridge, Assistant Secretary of War. The Organized Militia in Its Relation with the War Dept. – Gen. A. L. Mills, Chief of the Division of Militia Affairs. Presentation of Exposition Bronze Medal by the Hon. Frank L. Brown, Director Panama Pacific International Exposition, and accepted by Gen Stewart. Report by the Committee of Legislation on efforts for the use of the National Guard as a Federal force in times of war. Recommendations of the committee include the approval of an increase in the regular army, pushing for an amendment which would allow the National Guard to be deployed outside the continental limits, and that the association draft legislation which would support the achievement of these goals. A paper thoroughly analyzing this use of the National Guard prepared by Maj. Gen. John F. O’Ryan is read to the convention. Report by Gen Hough, of the committee on Uniform Military Law, on a case in Ohio in which a guardsman was fired from his place of employment for attending required maneuvers held by his unit.
San Francisco, Ca.
(1917): Address by the Hon. Charles L. Whitman, Governor of NY. Address by Brig. Gen. William A. Mann, Chief of the Militia Bureau. Address on The National Guard Under the National Defense Act by Major Gen John F. O’Ryan. Address by Hon. Congressman Thomas S. Cargo of Penn on The National Guard and Universal Military Service. The Physical Forces of the State and Nation – LtGen Nelson A. Miles. The National Guard and the Safety of the Public – Hon. Blair Lee of Maryland. Address from the Hon. James Hamilton Lewis, U.S. Senator from Illinois. Some Lessons from Mexican Border Service – Major Gen. Charles M. Clement. Additional Military Preparations – Brig. Gen. William E. Harvey. An Open Forum on the topic of the National Guard Mobilization of 1916. Address by the Hon. James F. Fielder of New Jersey on The Citizen’s Part in National Defense. The Work of the National Guard in Developing Rifle Shooting – General George W. Wingate. The National Guard in the Mexican Crisis – Brig. Gen. Harvey C. Clarke. Open Forum on The Army and the National Guard Under the National Defense Act. Address from Congressman S. Hubert Dent of Alabama, Chairman of the Committee of Military Affairs. Addresses from the Hon. Charles Dick, Hon. Walter L. Fisher, and Brig. Gen. John C. Speaks. Open Forum on A Proper Military Policy for the United States.
New York City, NY
(1918): Address by General Heavey. Discussion on the topics of Military Training, Status of Adjutants General, Distinctive Markings of Uniforms, Size of Companies and Laws regarding it, Inspector Instructors, and the Furnishing of Equipment.
Richmond, VA
(1919): The primary topic of this convention, due to the usage and role of the National Guard during WWI, was the reorganization of the National Guard Association, including hefty renovations to the constitution and bylaws. All discussions and committee reports were focused on this issue.
St. Louis, Missouri
Accession #: AR2017:1:5
Title: Proceedings of the National Guard Association of the United States, 1922-1926, Volume 5
Date (inclusive): 1922-1926
Extent: 1 Volume (22 cm; 764 pages)
Scope and Content:
(1922): Address by Gen Reckord, Chief of the Militia Bureau, on the organization of the National Guard. Address by Col. Palmer on the intentions of General Pershing for the relations between the National Guard and the Regular Army. Address by Major Hammond on the progress of the Pay Bill through Congress. List of Resolutions: the raising of awareness in Congress of necessary appropriations for the National Guard; that the War Dept only select officers from the National Guard who have at least 5 years of service; the pay period for armory drill be limited to three months; that all officers in the National Guard be appointed federal commissions of rank; That the Convention support Senate Bills 2774, 150, 2307, and 2668; The development of a program to educate and train the civilian population in their role in time of war, working to integrate the Regular Army, the National Guard, and the Army Reserves and that the training and equipping of these group be easily comparable.
New Orleans, Louisiana
(Feb., 1923): Address by Gen. Chas H. Martin (General Staff) on the lessons learned about the Guard during the War. Address by General Aultman on the relation between the Regular Army and the National Guard. Address by Gen. Charles I. Martin (Kansas) on the relation between the War Department and the National Guard. Presentation of a draft of the new Association Constitution and By-Laws. Discussion and Resolutions passed with regard to the Pay Bill. A series of resolutions with regard to the number of officers and funding of training of the National Guard.
Indianapolis, Indiana
(Oct., 1923): Address by Maj. Gen. Hanson E. Ely on the National Defense Act and the War College. Address by Maj. Gen. Clarence R. Edwards on his experiences with the National Guard. Address by Maj. Gen. Rickards on the National Guard and the War Department. Presentation by Col. Williams on the organization of the Militia Bureau. Presentation by Col. Scherer on the Personnel Department of the Militia Bureau. Reading of a letter and telegram from Robert G. Davis, Acting Secretary of War, in reference to the resolutions on the National Defense Act from the February Convention. Address by Maj. Gen. Edward L. Logan on the importance of maintaining training standards in the National Guard and on the appointment of General Officers. Address by Col. Van Deman from the Planning Section of the Militia Bureau. Presentation by Col Balzell on the Training Section of the Militia Bureau. Address by Col. Clarck C. Wren on the goings on of the General Staff. Presentation by Col. C.C. Hammond on the Finance and Supply Section of the Militia Bureau. Speech by Col. Hannigan on the pay rate of company commanders.
Denver Colorado
(1924): Annual report by General Reckord. Address by Honorable John W. Weeks, Secretary of War. Address by Gen Hines, Chief of Staff. Address by Col. James A. Drain on the growth and development of the American Legion. Address by General John Ross Delafield on the relation between the National Guard and the Army Reserves. Address by Capt. George M. Chandler on Army Heraldry. Address by Gen. George C. Rickards, Chief of the Militia Bureau, on the Administration Section. Address by Gen. Hugh A. Drum, Assistant Chief of Staff, on the relation between the Regular Army, the Army Reserves, and the National Guard. Address by Senator James Wadsworth of Pennsylvania.
Philadelphia, Pa.
(1925): Address by Maj. Gen. Creed C. Hammond, Chief of the Militia Bureau. Address by Maj. General Fox Conner, Assistant Chief of Staff. Consideration and debates on Amendments to the Association Constitution with regard to membership. The resolutions considered and vote d on by the Convention include: the Dropping of Allowance; National Rifle Matches; Disbursements without written Contracts; Promotion of National Guard Officers; Standards of Qualifications for General Officers; Supply and Maintenance of Horses; Validation of Payment for Schools of Instruction; Commissioning of Senior Caretakers of Air Squadrons; Officer Rental Allowance; and National Guard representation at the Disarmament Conference.
St. Augustine, Fl
(1926): Addresses by Col. Hanford MacNider, Ass. Secretary of Way; Maj. Gen. Robert C. Davis, Adjutant General of the Army, Maj. Gen. Creed C. Hammond, Chief of the Militia Bureau; Brig. Gen. Bryant H. Wells, Ass. Chief of Staff. Resolutions discussed and voted on by the Convention include: Indorsement of the National Rifle Association; Amendments to the Association Tables of Organization; Elimination of Physical Exam on Form 63 A.G.O. and replacement with Form 609, mandating that National Guard Air Corps officers undergo flight surgeon examinations every 6 months instead of annually; Increase in Rank and Pay for United States Property and Disbursing Officers; Support for Tyson-Fitzgerald Bill; Payment of officers for attending drills be based be based on average attendance instead of each specific drill.
Louisville, Kentucky