The Liberator: One War II Soldier’s 500-Day Odyssey from the Beaches of Sicily to the Gates of Dachau

The Liberator:
(By Alex Kershaw)

The National Guard Educational Foundation and the Friends of the National World War II Memorial present a very special event to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the liberation of Dachau concentration camp…

Event Information:

The Liberator: A Lecture with Author Alex Kershaw

Tuesday, April 29, 2025

Time: 3:00 PM

National Guard Memorial

One Massachusetts Avenue, NW

Washington, DC

RSVP Here:

Renowned historian and author, Alex Kershaw, will present a lecture and Q&A on his book: The Liberator: One World War II Soldier’s 500-Day Odyssey From the Beaches of Sicily to the Gates of Dachau

The Liberator traces the remarkable battlefield journey of maverick U.S. Army officer Felix Sparks through the Allied liberation of Europe—from the first landing in Italy to the final death throes of the Third Reich.

Guests are also invited to tour the National Guard Memorial Museum which is home to the actual pistol Lt. Col. Sparks held as he participated in the liberation of Dachau.


                 Lt. Colonel Felix Sparks at the Liberation of Dachau