Object Analysis: 1775 Militia Mobilization Order

“To James Briggs Corporall & C
you are here By command to warne (in conjunction with the other Corporals) every inlisted soldier of the 3rd company of Militia of the town of Cranston to appear at the Dwelling house of Christ. Lippett Esq. on Fryday the 21 Day Aprill 1775 by Seven of the clock in the foer Noone acct according to Law to gether with Seven Days Provision a Blancket & knapsack. Each soldi and then and there to hold them selves in Readiness to obay the Command of your Superyor Oficers.
Given under my hand & seale this 20th Day of Aprill 1775
Edward Knight Capt.”
What is this document? How would you describe it?
What was happening in April of 1775?
What challenges were faced by people in Rhode Island and neighboring colonies?
How might the soldiers of Cranston, Rhode Island’s 3rd Company of Militia be affected?
How might others in the American colonies be affected?
Native Americans?
Enslaved People?
Those Loyal to the British?
Contact the museum to schedule a live, in-person or virtual, object analysis for your class.